Primary industries with a focus on Science and Sustainability
Mātauranga Māori and Science play a vital role in the sustainability of our ever changing world. This discovery tour took our rangatahi into the heart of Ngāti Awa engaging with different experts and practitioners about our how they apply their learnings to restoring our natural spaces and environment.
Bridget from Halo Whakatāne took rangatahi through a process of debudding harmful weeds from the waterways and near the awa. Students learned how weeds can affect the environment, especially the moth vine which was commonly found along the awa.
Tauira spent their time planting Harakeke shoots around Otamakaokao – Awatapu Lagoon Trust, this was taken by Quintin Kingi who is the chairperson of this trust. He spoke of his passion and mission to restore the life and mauri of Ōtamakaokao and how it was historically used by his ancestors of Ngāti Pūkeko. He spoke of how the health of the environment also impacts the health of the whānau surrounding it. During his workshop, students planted harakeke as a way to restore life to the taiao.
The team from East Bay REAP took students near the Awatapu Lagoon to learn about water testing using specialised equipment and ways of understanding the PH levels in the water. While learning about the PH levels, student also learned how the PH level effects the life of the water, how PH changes, and what a safe PH level is for this type of body of water. They also tested the water clarity with Guy from Te Puna Ora o Mataatua. During this workshop students also learning how to make harakeke darts which they thoroughly enjoyed.
The team from Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Awa’s running the Korehāhā Whakahau Project met the group at Ōhope and showed us around the Ngā Tapuwae o Toi reserve. During the 1 hour session the team from Korehāhā Whakahau gave demonstrations on possum traps and dealing with the pests as humanely as possible. They spoke about the effects possums have on the native life in Aotearoa and their Predator Free 2050 project. During the bushwalk, students learned about the radio technology used in traps, the methods used to trap possums and other wildlife, and the cameras used to detect the life in different native reserves. This was the first time some of their team have worked with rangatahi in this light and we heard great positive feedback from them and how they enjoyed the connection with rangatahi and the ability to give back.
This tour helped to emphasise the variety of mahi in this space across local government, Iwi, hapū, community and across the education sectors as well.

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