Primary industry with a focus on Marine and Science
This tour was based in Tauranga Moana’s Marine Precinct at Sulphur Point. The location provided for an exquisite scene to showcase some of the key opportunities across this industry to our rangatahi.
The tour started with a session with internationally renown professor, head of the Coastal Marine Group in the Faculty of Science and Engineering andinaugural director of the Coastal Marine Field Centre, Dr Chris Battershill who shared with everybody his journey been raised in Otara and struggling in school to being able to lead out research on things that will aim to protect the moana , which as he grew up realized was one of his true passions in life.
Rangatahi got an exclusive tour around the Seaweed Centre and the Costal Marine Field Station and the Tauranga Celestial Compass. Jack Thatcher was another key speaker who shared his voyages on a waka and how they used the stars to navigate the world as once did their ancestors. The work that Jack has been involved in for many years is a treasure to be past down to our next generations.

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