Our Team

Marino Tahi

Marino Tahi

Iwi affiliations: Ngāi Tūhoe
Associations: Member of Te Ara Putaiao (TAP) - Pan-CRI Māori Science collective, Science NZ

Marino comes to Toi Kai Rawa Trust with senior and executive management experience in the New Zealand science and innovation sectors with crown research institutes NIWA, Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research and trade agency NZTE. He is currently a member (and former chair) of Te Ara Pūtaiao (Pan-CRI Māori Science Collective) and has worked with various boards and Māori advisory groups across the science and environmental sectors. Through his work, he has developed international science, indigenous and research networks offshore. He is keen to grow the Māori talent pool across the research, science and innovation sectors. Marino hails from Ruatahuna.